Post by Admin on Sept 18, 2006 13:31:35 GMT -5
To All Forum Members,
For those who have just joined and missed any of the previous You Can Play Guitar Newsletter's, here is Newsletter #1. If you'd like to receive the upcoming and new newsletters that include notifications of new FREE LESSON addition's, and Music Store updates, you can join our mailing list at :
This newsletter is just a breif introduction to help cover a few of the basics for a begginer level guitarist. As you continue to receive my free guitar newsletters, each lesson will become a
bit more advanced. This lesson is based upon the total beginner level and will include some of the most helpful tips you'll need as you begin to learn how to play guitar and progress in your learnings.
No matter how good a musician can play, if their instrument isn't in tune, chances
are it wont sound too good at all.
On this page
You'll find good advice on tips like Tips On Tuning By Ear as well as other methods
of tuning.
This page also contains a link to a FREE guitar tuner you can download online, and in
my opinion it's the best of its kind. However I can tell you some great advice.
Learn to tune by ear!
It makes the better musician in the longrun. The advantages are, each time you tune by ear, your ear becomes more developed and more used to hearing the names of the notes which are the open strings Low E, A, D, G, B, and high E. This will help you recognize and beocme familiar with the sounds of these notes, which will make it much easier for you to begin learning and copying songs note for note from your favorite CD's.
Of course if your playing a solo performance or a gig with your band, you will want to rely on a good tuner, but once again, the "trained ear" allways makes the better musician!
To see what tuners are available to purchase, see:
Or you may want to consider my first lesson of the You Can Play Guitar series Volume One, which teaches: How To Tune * The Names Of The Notes (including sharps and flats) as well as beginner level chords & scales, beginner level walking bass
lines, how to read tablature and a well rounded education for every beginner guitarist.
You can read the lesson description for You Can Play Guitar Volume One at:
As well as see free video samples at:
The Free Tuning Lesson is a great insight and even gives examples in tablature as well as advice on some songs you can begin to experiment tuning your guitar by ear.
A Common Asked Question By Beginners is "What Should I Learn To Play First" ?
My answer, is.......anything. Get your fingers moving and
One of the most common mistakes a beginner can make is to come to his of her first guitar lessons and tell their instructor "I want to play Ozzy"! for example....
Dont kid yourself. Your a very beginner. You need to exercise many patience and start with something slow and easy that you can focus on, that will allow you to make your first musical accomplishment.
The very first lesson I teach all of my beginner students is the Christmas traditional "Silent Night".
Why? Because it's one of the easiest songs to learn and its fantastic for learning how to count the frets on the neck of your guitar.
Until you've memorized the names of the notes, chords and scales, counting the frets should be most important to you,
because thats how youre going to find your way around on the neck of your guitar, as well as eventually memorize the notes scales and chords.
I have so far had a 100% success rate starting my private taught students with this easy to play fundamental. And it's not long after (some within a few weeks) are jamming like pros.
To see an easy version of this song to get you started, along with an explanation of the basics on how to read tablature, see:
This lesson also includes another very easy to learn version of the song "Electric Funeral" by Black Sabbath as well as includes every beginning guitarist 3 most important primary guitar chords, G,C and D. You'll be amazed at thye millions of hit songs that have been written using these 3 very chords. Once you've learned these chords, try "switching" them slowly until
you can strum these up to speed. Chances are if your a very beginner, it wont happen in the next 5 minutes, however an hour a day....keeps your teacher away, so keep practicing!
For example: (These are just the basics of the main verses to help give you an idea).
Song Title Chord Progression
Wild Thing GG/CC/DD/CC
You Shook Me All Night Long G/CCGC/GD/GGDGD
Sweet Home Alabama DD/CC/GG/GG/
You may also find the FREE Chord Finder located at:
A very helpful tool.
Choosing The Guitar Pick Thats Right For You
For more insight see:
This free lesson page is self explanatory. The bottom line is that choosing picks is really amatter of personal prefference and some picks work better than others depending on you hand and finger size. My best advice is to try a few different picks and see what works best for you. In otherwords, there is no magic pick.
Hopefully this article will help give you some insight.
Reading and Writing Tablature
If you've been playing a while and would like a FREE guitar/and bass tablature writing program, see:
To see other tablature and songwriting programs you can purchase, see:
If your new at leaning tablature and would like to try o experiment writing your own using free tab sheet that you can print on your PC, see:
A very important secret I'll share with you that I share with all of my students is that if your interested in learning how to play the guitar using tablature....
If you can write it, you can surely read it. Make sense?
My next newsletter will include tips on which guitar chords you should continue to focus on to make the most progress, as well as which guitar scales are best to learn for a beginner and why as well as which scales produce which sounds.
For those who have just joined and missed any of the previous You Can Play Guitar Newsletter's, here is Newsletter #1. If you'd like to receive the upcoming and new newsletters that include notifications of new FREE LESSON addition's, and Music Store updates, you can join our mailing list at :
This newsletter is just a breif introduction to help cover a few of the basics for a begginer level guitarist. As you continue to receive my free guitar newsletters, each lesson will become a
bit more advanced. This lesson is based upon the total beginner level and will include some of the most helpful tips you'll need as you begin to learn how to play guitar and progress in your learnings.
No matter how good a musician can play, if their instrument isn't in tune, chances
are it wont sound too good at all.
On this page
You'll find good advice on tips like Tips On Tuning By Ear as well as other methods
of tuning.
This page also contains a link to a FREE guitar tuner you can download online, and in
my opinion it's the best of its kind. However I can tell you some great advice.
Learn to tune by ear!
It makes the better musician in the longrun. The advantages are, each time you tune by ear, your ear becomes more developed and more used to hearing the names of the notes which are the open strings Low E, A, D, G, B, and high E. This will help you recognize and beocme familiar with the sounds of these notes, which will make it much easier for you to begin learning and copying songs note for note from your favorite CD's.
Of course if your playing a solo performance or a gig with your band, you will want to rely on a good tuner, but once again, the "trained ear" allways makes the better musician!
To see what tuners are available to purchase, see:
Or you may want to consider my first lesson of the You Can Play Guitar series Volume One, which teaches: How To Tune * The Names Of The Notes (including sharps and flats) as well as beginner level chords & scales, beginner level walking bass
lines, how to read tablature and a well rounded education for every beginner guitarist.
You can read the lesson description for You Can Play Guitar Volume One at:
As well as see free video samples at:
The Free Tuning Lesson is a great insight and even gives examples in tablature as well as advice on some songs you can begin to experiment tuning your guitar by ear.
A Common Asked Question By Beginners is "What Should I Learn To Play First" ?
My answer, is.......anything. Get your fingers moving and
One of the most common mistakes a beginner can make is to come to his of her first guitar lessons and tell their instructor "I want to play Ozzy"! for example....
Dont kid yourself. Your a very beginner. You need to exercise many patience and start with something slow and easy that you can focus on, that will allow you to make your first musical accomplishment.
The very first lesson I teach all of my beginner students is the Christmas traditional "Silent Night".
Why? Because it's one of the easiest songs to learn and its fantastic for learning how to count the frets on the neck of your guitar.
Until you've memorized the names of the notes, chords and scales, counting the frets should be most important to you,
because thats how youre going to find your way around on the neck of your guitar, as well as eventually memorize the notes scales and chords.
I have so far had a 100% success rate starting my private taught students with this easy to play fundamental. And it's not long after (some within a few weeks) are jamming like pros.
To see an easy version of this song to get you started, along with an explanation of the basics on how to read tablature, see:
This lesson also includes another very easy to learn version of the song "Electric Funeral" by Black Sabbath as well as includes every beginning guitarist 3 most important primary guitar chords, G,C and D. You'll be amazed at thye millions of hit songs that have been written using these 3 very chords. Once you've learned these chords, try "switching" them slowly until
you can strum these up to speed. Chances are if your a very beginner, it wont happen in the next 5 minutes, however an hour a day....keeps your teacher away, so keep practicing!
For example: (These are just the basics of the main verses to help give you an idea).
Song Title Chord Progression
Wild Thing GG/CC/DD/CC
You Shook Me All Night Long G/CCGC/GD/GGDGD
Sweet Home Alabama DD/CC/GG/GG/
You may also find the FREE Chord Finder located at:
A very helpful tool.
Choosing The Guitar Pick Thats Right For You
For more insight see:
This free lesson page is self explanatory. The bottom line is that choosing picks is really amatter of personal prefference and some picks work better than others depending on you hand and finger size. My best advice is to try a few different picks and see what works best for you. In otherwords, there is no magic pick.
Hopefully this article will help give you some insight.
Reading and Writing Tablature
If you've been playing a while and would like a FREE guitar/and bass tablature writing program, see:
To see other tablature and songwriting programs you can purchase, see:
If your new at leaning tablature and would like to try o experiment writing your own using free tab sheet that you can print on your PC, see:
A very important secret I'll share with you that I share with all of my students is that if your interested in learning how to play the guitar using tablature....
If you can write it, you can surely read it. Make sense?
My next newsletter will include tips on which guitar chords you should continue to focus on to make the most progress, as well as which guitar scales are best to learn for a beginner and why as well as which scales produce which sounds.